martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

If You Can’t Beat Them…

      Last year, we had the opportunity to attend a conference delivered by Nicky Hockly at the UNL ATE Hotel in Santa Fe city, Argentina. The aim of this event was to present Hockly’s latest book titled “Going Mobile”, a book that offers different strategies to incorporate technology in the EFL classroom, a matter that is often discussed by teachers everywhere.
     “Going Mobile” encourages us to consider technology as our friend and ally in the teaching task, and not as the unwanted intruder that we sometimes believe it is. Now, the question that all teachers have in mind is: How can I incorporate technology in my classroom in a positive productive way?
As a possible answer to that question, Hockly suggests the use of applications such as “Aurasma” (a web 2.0 tool) which create the opportunity to use the cellphone in class to complete specific tasks and at the same time achieve different learning goals in the process, in a motivating way. This application is only one of the many present in Hockly’s book, in which she opens a world of possibilities to bring technology to the classroom in a prolific way.

The only thing left is to be willing to give technology a chance.

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